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Image by Sangia

Bus Ministry(Deacon Howard Conley)

To Be Updated 

Christian Education Director,(Deacon Ollie Busbee)

To Be Updated 

Deacon Ministry,(Deacon Zeb Gathright)

Our job is to support the pastor and the ministries of the church, as well as the community.

Deacons/Minister’s Wives,(Katrina Belcher)

We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, the schedule may change depending upon response.

What we do:

  1. We prepare communion
    changed since Covid)

  2. Prepare female candidates for baptism

  3. Work in all areas of the church (some of us are in the Pastoral Blessing Ministry)

  4. Practice follow-up care for new converts

  5. Mentor younger women of the church and community

  6. Comfort those in mourning and distress as well as visit the sick

  7. We try to come up with ways to bring the women of the church together 

Grief/Bereavement Ministry,(Rev. Charles Battle)

To Be Updated 

Media Ministry,(Bro. William Thompson)

To Be Updated 

Meet and Greet Ministry

To Be Updated 

Men's Ministry,(Deacon Tim Carter)

Misson statement:We are men of Friendship Missonary Baptist Church who come together for the common purpose of growing in our relationship with God and his church while encouraging and challenging one another our mission is to pray and serve and spread the Gospel with joy as disciples of Jesus Christ (Iron Sharpens Iron proverbs 27:17)

Music Ministry 

To Be Updated 

Nurses Ministry

To Be Updated 

Pastor's Blessing Ministry,(Betty Mcfaden)

We assist our Pastor and family as needed.

Security Ministry

To Be Updated 

Senior Ministry

To Be Updated 

Welcome Ministry (Sis. lubie)

This ministry is to welcome all new members and establish communication with them, keep up with them for a 90 day period, giving encouragement, support, and prayers.

Youth Ministry

To Be Updated 

Missionary ministry (SANDRA CONLEY)

We are servers who go into the world to help those in need and are used by God to care for his people.  We have a deep love for people and are personally concerned about their physical and material needs, as well as their soul's salvation and spiritual health.  We feed the homeless every second Saturday of the month, minister to them; as well as provide them clothing.


Our Mission Statement is Matthew 25:35 "For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in."

friendship missionary baptist church

1301 N. Goodlet Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46222  |  317.917.8024  |

Copyrighted © 2024 Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

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